
Sergio Frias Corona


Sergio Frias Corona

Prominent performer and instructor of classical guitar in Mexico.

Link to Concert Program

Date: Friday, February 9, 2024

Time: 7:30pm

Location: Arlette Day Cultural Arts Center

4914 S. State Street, Murray, UT 84107

Sergio Frias Corona

Born in Mexico City, Frias Corona began his guitar studies at the age of 8 in Mexico and continued them in Houston TX. Later he entered the National Conservatory of Music of Mexico where he graduated as a Classical Guitar Performer with honorable mention.

He studied “Contemporary Music Styles” at the Berklee College Of Music (Boston, MA) and completed his master's studies at the National Conservatory of Music in Mexico City, with a major in “Performance in Mexican Concert Music.” He has taken master classes with guitarists including Julio Cesar Oliva, Manuel Barrueco, Javier Hinojosa, Juan Carlos Laguna, and many other notable musicians.

Frias Corona has performed in the main concert halls of Mexico, such as the Sala M. M. Ponce of the Palace of Fine Arts, National Auditorium, Teatro Metropólitan, I.N.B.A. Schools, National School of Music, Higher School of Music, National Conservatory of Music, and National Center of the Arts.  He has also given concerts in Houston and Los Angeles, in addition to offering master classes and serving on a competition juries at several national and international guitar festivals.

He is the founder of the International Guitar Festival of the National Conservatory of Music, and Director of the National Guitar Competition "Premio Conservatorio Nacional de Música" held annually at that Institution. He is currently a professor and Deputy Director at the National Conservatory of Music where he teaches guitar, improvisation, and harmonization.


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